Book Tour in Hong Kong

I am going to Hong Kong tonight and stay for 2 weeks. I will be catching up with frienairplaneds and family and promote the book on the side (Yes, family and friendship come first despite what it may seem!). I have already received orders of close 40 copies in total. In addition, I will discuss some people regarding the Chinese translation of my book.

Will report progress and watch this space.


A 24-year old Birthday

Yes, I was once 24 years old as well (not so long ago :>) Tonight I was invited to a French colleague’s 24-year old birthday drink.BirthdayCake

As a birthday gift, I gave him an autographed copy of my book. I added that my book is actually suitable for learners of all ages, not just for more mature people. Please refer to my previous blog on this subject.

Later I suggested him to give the book to his mother in France during Christmas after reading it himself. He said his mother does not know English well. I told him that he should read the book to her and/or encourage her to learn English. I elaborated that I actually read my book in Chinese to my parents last year when I visited them. Hard Sell – No, Never :>

Buy one get one free?

I am going to Hong Kong this Friday for a 2-week vacation.buy1get1free
I usually only offer complimentary copies of my book to journalists and the like.
However, for this trip, I will make an exception to my childhood friends in Hong Kong.
Each time when I go there, they usually generously treat me for dinner or lunch.
Therefore as a reciprocal gesture, I will make a buy-one-get-one-free offer to them (a modified version). I will give them an autographed copy of my book and subtly suggest them to PURCHASE an additional copy for their friends and family.

A high school friend of mine in Hong Kong has already taken this offer and I hope that more will come!

How to Cope with Rain in London?

I would like to share my thoughts on this topic which is close to home as IRainLondon have been living in London for over 10 years. Let me try to apply the basic framework of my book on this.
1) Psych yourself up for the challenge (section one)
Londoners need to accept the fact that the average number of rainy days is close to 13 days a month statistically. As powerful as we human beings are, there is no much we can do to stop the rain (the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics was an exception!) Expectation management is needed to avoid disappointment.
2) The practical side (section two)
Please carry a foldable umbrella with you at all times. It is nasty being caught in the rain without it.
3) Know your enemy (section three)
If you know you will be feeling “down” when it rains, arrange fun indoor activities such as dinner, drink and/or movie with friends. Plan and fight hard against the rainy “blue”.

Don’t let the rain get you down. It does not need to be that way.

Christmas Arrived Earlier

Christmas has arrived in London. Look at the picture showing seasonalOxfordCircus3 decoration at Oxford Circus.

Speaking of Christmas, may I gently suggest that my book can be a great gift to your friends and family (not enemies obviously).
These are a few reasons:
1) My book on adult learning is relevant for people pondering on new year resolution at the turn of the year.
2) It is an easy-to-read, concise, to-the-point book with examples and exercises. Not a time-waster.
3) It is of a reasonable price, 8 pounds only.
4) It is light and easy to carry. Perfect to be read on the plane, train or bus.
5) I can personalize it for you with an autograph.

 No more reasons needed, right?

An Audio Book?

CassetteTapePerhaps this is a new trend. I was at my birthday dinner tonight with a group of friends. One of them who bought a copy of my book told me that he prefers to “read” audio books and he finds it more effective for retaining the information. Actually this is the second person who bought my printed book but would prefer an audio version.

Well, I hope it is not a tactic to “brush me off” :>

In a more serious note, I reckon in this modern society, everyone is so busy and may not have time to sit down and read a book (even for a book of 70 pages like mine). In addition, different people learn in different ways, a point that I touch upon briefly in my book, and listening to the materials may be the best way for some of us. As interesting as the audio book idea may be, I still need to put it on hold for now until I gain a better handle of the printed and e-book versions first.

Over the Moon

OverTheMoonIt is most appropriate to use a British expression “over the moon” to express my feeling. Apologies that I have picked up a few linguistic “vices” living in London for over 10 years. Among them: “How are you faring?”, “I reckon that..”, “lovely” & “cheers”.

Anyway, I had coffee today with a friend of mine who bought a copy of my book a few weeks ago. She told me that the mother of her boyfriend read my book. The mother is her 70s who had trouble studying when she was younger and was later diagnosed with dyslexia. She was encouraged and inspired by my book. As a result, she went to a local community center to look for evening courses that she can take.

To me, that is absolutely the BEST feedback I can receive. Bringing changes and making impacts (big or small) in other people’s lives.  Cheers.

My First Online Book Interview

My first online interview on my book at!microphone

The questions are listed below.
Please click on the link to read -> Book Interview at

1) Raymond, please tell us about yourself.
2) What do you like/dislike about expat life?
3) You recently published From Latecomers to Late-bloomers. What is the book about?
4) What type of audience do you feel your book would appeal to?
5) How did you come up with the title?
6) What was the hardest part of writing your book?
7) Do you have any advice to give to aspiring expat writers?
8) What are your current projects?
9) What book are you reading now?
10) What are your plans for the future?

An Abandoned Book

AbandonedBookA few days ago I found out that an ex-colleague of mine had left her copy of my autographed book behind (meaning she did not take the book with her).

How did I find out? Actually the new colleague who replaced her told me that she had found my book at the desk and started reading my book. I told her that she could have the book since it was “abandoned” and she enjoyed it.

I am happy that my book found a new owner that appreciates it.

3M – The Third M

This is the last M of my initial marketing review.3M

Some brilliant marketing ideas from friends that I am compelled to share:
1) Add my website link to LinkedIn – An oversight on my part. Now completed.
2) Add post to WeChat (a popular Chinese Social Network) – Suggested and carried out by my friend Jane. Thanks Jane.
3) Market my book to Management Consultants that may find it useful – Will explore.