In “Season” (1)

A few friends of mine have reached the age of “seasoned” professionals (we won’t mention names and please don’t ask neither :>) and the subject of how to add value to the company/team made of younger people and co-exist with them peacefully has become a common topic. I believe I blogged on a related subject […]

Falling Short of Favor

I had a coffee with a friend of mine today and the subject of favoritism was brought up. The question is how to deal with favoritism when you were not the recipient in particular it was a “favor” you were hoping for. The key points are: #1) Be happy (genuinely) for the person who has […]

Happy Calendar (4)

From the Action Calendar created by My selection for last week: * Turn off your phone and give people your full attention. * Look for the good side in everyone you meet today. * Give away a book that you found inspiring or helpful. * Start friendly conversations with people you don’t know.