Models for Changes (1)

I attended a workshop on the topic of adapting to changes last week. I would like to share 2 models that I learned from there. The first one is called The Mastery Model developed by Bennett and Bush. There are 5 stages in the process of change adaptation. Stage 1 [Awareness] – Understands that a […]

Adapting to Changes

I am going to attend a life coaching seminar next Wednesday on how to adapt to changes in life. Before that, I would like to make some personal notes on the subject and then “compare notes” after the event. Sound good? 1) Acknowledgement: The first step to adapting to changes is to acknowledge that changes […]

Dancing with the Monday blues

First of all, instead of calling it “beating the Monday blues”, I would call it “dancing with the Monday blues” (will be explained later). As today is Monday, this very thought of Monday blues came to my mind and I would make the following suggestions: 1) Acknowledge its existence if it affects you at all; […]

Progress is a journey

Last Friday I had dinner with an ex-client who finished a year life coaching work with me. She said she had made very good progress on something we had discussed before and she gave me a few examples to support that. I congratulated her on her progress. Then she added that one recent incident made […]

EQ Champion Macron

I am not knowledgeable nor keen on politics in general, not to mention French politics. However, the emotional intelligence of the front-running presidential candidate Emmanuel Macron caught my attention. It was reported that (I did not watch the debate) he managed to stay very focused and calm at the crucial presidential multiple-way public debate a […]