Over the Moon

OverTheMoonIt is most appropriate to use a British expression “over the moon” to express my feeling. Apologies that I have picked up a few linguistic “vices” living in London for over 10 years. Among them: “How are you faring?”, “I reckon that..”, “lovely” & “cheers”.

Anyway, I had coffee today with a friend of mine who bought a copy of my book a few weeks ago. She told me that the mother of her boyfriend read my book. The mother is her 70s who had trouble studying when she was younger and was later diagnosed with dyslexia. She was encouraged and inspired by my book. As a result, she went to a local community center to look for evening courses that she can take.

To me, that is absolutely the BEST feedback I can receive. Bringing changes and making impacts (big or small) in other people’s lives.  Cheers.