BLOW like a breeze

A friend of mine has asked me for advice on how to network in a big group with mostly strangers. My suggestions are: B = Be yourself and genuine. L = Listen to others besides talking about yourself. O = Open-minded. Avoid pre-judging others. W = Warm and welcoming. Be kind and warm to others. […]

Mature Intern

On the subject of how a more experienced person can adopt and excel in a new work environment, a friend mentioned a film called Intern. It is based on the story of a retired 70-year widower played by Robert Di Niro who started a 6-week internship at an online fashion company. I watched the film […]

Doing More with Less

In the age of efficiency and austerity, the idea of doing-more-with-less is more relevant than ever. I have taken a different perspective on it. My thoughts are: 1) Less set in your own way = More opportunities for new experiences and greater flexibility 2) Less complaining = More time to come up with constructive solutions […]