Batman vs. Superman

First of all, to some of my friends’ shock and horror, I went to see the latest blockbuster Batman vs. Superman today. My personal review is that the film is intended to be part 1 of 2 films and it should have been just ONE film. Some parts of the film are being dragged on […]


Taking time to reflect regularly is quite beneficial for self-improvement. Awareness is the first step of addressing the issue. We, as human beings, all have our blind-spots These are things that we do and/or assumptions that we make subconsciously without knowing them. One suggestion is to ask ourselves the tough and honest question “Did I […]

Mature vs.Young Talents? (7)

Another advantage that more mature people may have is intuition derived from our more experience in life. Intuition by its very nature is difficult to describe or capture. Some people say is it is something that for some reason “speaks” to you. It could simply be something that does not sound right to you or, […]

Mature vs.Young Talents? (6)

Some readers asked me if I am done with the mini series on “Mature vs. Young Talents”. Actually no. I still have a few points that I would like to share. I believe generosity can be a strength of more mature people. The willingness to share our knowledge and experience as well as credit with […]

Love at First Sight

A friend of mine asked me how to appreciate Modern Art. My humble response as an absolute amateur of art was: 1) Don’t try to come up with a explanation of the art work. Art, in particular Modern Art, is very subjective. 2) Open your mind and eyes to see if you like it visually […]

A Different Shade of Love

Recently I have had a discussion with a friend over his relationship with his son who is in his late teens. One insightful thought came out of it is sometimes letting our loved one go and grow in his/her own pace is a different expression (arguably harder) of love. In that case, we need to […]

SAFE Coaching

I thought it would be a good time to have a quick recap of my coaching approach called SAFE Coaching. S = Sound boarding and Support to the client A = Awareness and blind-spots. Help the client raise his/her awareness and point out blind-spots. F = Feedback. Provide objective feedback to the client E = […]

Coloring Your Life

Last week I had lunch with a friend and the topic of how to live a colorful life came up. He made an insightful point that I would like to share with my dear readers. He said there are at least 3 avenues that one can live a colorful life. 1) Personal experience: We have […]

Better Sleep

I came across an article on the topic of better sleep in the magazine this week and would like to share with my readers. Five-Step Guide to Better Sleep by Dr. Michael Breus 1) Stick to the same schedule – get up at the same time and go to bed at the same time […]