How to Cope with Rain in London?

I would like to share my thoughts on this topic which is close to home as IRainLondon have been living in London for over 10 years. Let me try to apply the basic framework of my book on this.
1) Psych yourself up for the challenge (section one)
Londoners need to accept the fact that the average number of rainy days is close to 13 days a month statistically. As powerful as we human beings are, there is no much we can do to stop the rain (the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics was an exception!) Expectation management is needed to avoid disappointment.
2) The practical side (section two)
Please carry a foldable umbrella with you at all times. It is nasty being caught in the rain without it.
3) Know your enemy (section three)
If you know you will be feeling “down” when it rains, arrange fun indoor activities such as dinner, drink and/or movie with friends. Plan and fight hard against the rainy “blue”.

Don’t let the rain get you down. It does not need to be that way.