Flow — Part 11 (A summary)

As we are drawing close to the end of the book Flow, here is a quickflow2 summary to cultivate and foster flow in oneself:

1)      Setting goals: To be able to experience flow, one must have clear goals to strive for. (p.209)

2)      Becoming immersed in the activity: After choosing a system of action, a person with an autotelic personality grows deeply involved with whatever he is doing. (p.210)

3)      Paying attention to what is happening: Concentration leads to involvement, which can only be maintained by constant inputs of attention.(p.211)

4)      Learning to enjoy immediate experience. The outcome of having au autotelic self-of learning to set goals, to develop skills, to be sensitive to feedback, to know how to concentrate and get involved – is that one can enjoy life even when objective circumstances are brutish and nasty.(p.212-3)