From being bitter to being better

As part of our human nature, it is very common and easy to become bitter when things go wrong or not go as we expected.Bitterness
How can we turn it around?
1) Identify the source of the bitterness. Sometimes the bitterness is so overwhelming that we don’t even know where it is rooted from. Reflect and think deep.
2) Calm yourself. Take a moment and step away from it. Take a breather and leave the “crime scene” if you can.
3) Sort out if there are remedies or not (short-term, medium-term or long-term).
4) If the situation cannot be resolved, let it go and move on.
5) Think broadly and freely of any lesson(s) you can learn from this experience. New insights? Preventive measures in the future?
6) Stay focused on the positive things of life and don’t let the bitterness “consume” you. It is not the end of the world.