Confession of a Frog Miniature Collector! – Part 1

Why is frog my favorite animal? First, frog is an amphibian which can live in waterFrog1 and on land. I am like a frog in the sense that I have 2 sides (I don’t mean right and left). I enjoy quiet hobbies such as music and reading. On the other hand, I like sports (more in my younger years) such as swimming and fencing. In other words, I am a quiet and yet active person (not bipolar though).

 Another characteristic of frog is its strong survival power. You can find frogs almost everywhere in the world. They can use their bodies to adapt to different environments for survival such as changing skin colors and ejecting skin toxins. Like a frog, I too have a very strong determination to succeed. I will overcome hurdles to reach my goal through hard work and strong will power. I will leave out the toxic part – we don’t need to get there.