Voting Reflection (3)

The third point from the voting reflection is communication.
For both the Brexit vote and the US presidential election, the messages of the losing parties (with perfect 20-20 hindsight) were only reaching certain groups of voters. For example, the messages from “UK-remainers” lobbying groups, intentionally or unintentionally, were too intellectual and complicated for the working class and/or the older generation in the UK. Consequently, the “UK-remainers” did not get a lot of votes from the working class and the older generation and lost when the voting results came out.

Applying this in our daily life, when speaking to people from different backgrounds and other walks of life, we may consider “tuning” and adjusting our communication style to suit the target audience. Delivering your message is only part of the process of communication and the other part is how receptive your message is. The message may “fall on deaf ears” if it is not “packaged” appropriately. We don’t want that to happen right, do we?