Mature vs. Young Talents (9)

Related to a wider network discussed in my previous blog, having a stronger support system can be an advantage to the more mature people. Like most journeys, there are ups and downs in our careers. As we grow older, we find true friends and family along the way to support each other. In addition, the […]

Mature vs.Young Talents? (8)

A greater capacity to network may be another advantage of more mature people over the younger generation. Everything being equal, the same person logically and naturally should know more people in his/her life as time goes by and that in itself is a growing base for networking. In addition, as one becomes more mature and […]

Holding Back to Advance

There must be some sort of flu going on in London as more than a few people that I know (including our very Raymond) have been ill lately. My best strategy is to drop all activities to a minimum and rest to the maximum. I have seen some people “force” themselves to carry on their […]

No Kidding

No kidding! The first quarter of the year is over (I guess it is always the same on the April Fools’ day each year) – 25% of the year is gone. And more importantly, spring is around the corner though it does not feel like it in London yet. Jokes aside. I ordered and received […]