Young vs Mature Talents? (5)

Creativity is often associated with the younger generation. However, it is not necessary the case. More mature people can also be creative. We were once young (not so long ago!). Many famous artists remained creative to the very end of their lives such as Henri Matisse and Claude Monet. Go ahead and flex your creative […]

Young vs Mature Talents? (4)

Having inspiration is very important regardless of one’s age. We all need something to aim for and look forward to. Inspiration is not exclusive to the younger generation. Everyone should dare to dream and go after their dreams. It is not only speed of reaching the goal that matters. The process and destination are also […]

Young vs Mature Talents? (3)

The third element on this topic is adoptability and flexibility. In general, more mature people are more set in their way and thus usually come across as inflexible and difficult. However, it needs not to be the case. Adoptability is crucial in the modern society which changes are inevitable.

Young vs Mature Talents? (2)

The second element is curiosity which is the key to many discoveries and new inventions. We tend to be more cautious than curious when we get older. We become more concerned about how other people would think if we ask a simple question. Don’t let the issue of “personal image” affect your progress. Be more […]

Young vs Mature Talents? (1)

I am going to devote the next few blogs to start a discussion on mature talents. My goal is not taking side or playing favoritism on young or mature people. However, I want to tell the world that talents should NOT be limited to young people. We all have talents at whatever age we are. […]