M&M – The Second M

MMI am still on the topic of marketing, so the second M is Marketing.  Let me put together some initial thoughts on marketing.

1) Word of Mouth — It has worked well so far. Thanks to all my supporters.
2) Independent Bookstores — Most of them are speciality bookstores. Difficult to locate those focusing on self-help books. Not sure how strong the sales would be neither.
3) Major Bookstores — They only carry books from major publishers or book distributors.
4) Promotional Postcards and Flyers — Actually quite costly and hard to monitor their effects. Stay cautious.
5) Newspapers and Magazines — Difficult to get the attention of editors. Still trying.
6) Social Media — I am currently on Twitter and blogging along. Need to step up my effort. Got very good potential as it is the new way of communication.
7) Corporate Sales — Perhaps look into selling in bulk to adult learning centers and the likes. Need to explore.
8) Seminars and Interest Groups — Good suggestions to promote my book. Need to look into them.