How to cope with pushy friends?

Last night over dinner with friends, the topic of coping with pushy friends came up. They are your friends that mean well but may come across as a bit aggressive with their advice to you. My suggestions are (I am probably as “guilty” as anyone else on being a pushy friend at times):
1) Stay calm and don’t get upset.
2) Don’t get pressurized.
3) Take a deep breath and smile with confidence.
4) Thank them for their suggestions/reminders/concerns.
5) Use “I” in your conversation to emphasize that you are the one who makes the decision. For example, “I will take care of it in my own time/when the time is right, thanks.”
6) Last resort – Tell them calmly and FIRMLY that it is your own decision and responsibility as much as they are concerned about your situation.

Good luck :>