How to survive a heat wave?

Being a resident of London, I reckon I should not be complaining too much about the recent hot weather. And yet it happened twice this year already. Close to 30 degrees Celsius without air conditioning (AC) can be a challenge.
Some of my suggestions to cope with it are:
1) Get out of town: Go to the beach/coast/lake/pond where it is cooler and closer to the water.
2) Go swimming to cool yourself down.
3) Don’t forget sunblock if you are outdoor unless you want to look like a lobster afterwards.
4) Wear appropriate clothing: Wear something light and of bright colors.
5) Drink plenty of water.
6) Stay out till sunset if your residence has no AC (most than 90% of the cases in London).
7) Use an electric fan (you can even buy a small chargeable one and carry it along with you where you go – apparently “fashionable” in Asia).
8) Watch a movie at a cinema where it is well-equipped with AC.

Please send in your suggestions. I have the sense that a few more heat waves are coming our way.