Different Aspects of Equality

Recently, I have been reflecting on the subject of equality which has many different facets besides the obvious few.
First of all, equality means the same, no more and no less.
In other words, treating another person with equality means you don’t feel superior nor inferior to that person. Feeling inferior is also a form of inequality (to your very good self in this case).
I am a strong believer of equality (and still learning each day). In a very broad but deep and yet subtle way, equality means the same respectful treatment on:
a) Being single or in a relationship/married
b) With or without children
c) High IQ or low IQ
d) Good-looking or less attractive
e) Tall or short
f) Big or small
g) Wealthy or poor
h) Old or young
i) Gay or Straight
j) Highly educated or illiterate
k) Whatever race
l) Man or woman
The list continues…

May I suggest: Whoever you encounter every day, look the person in the eyes and tell him/her you are equal (not superior nor inferior).