Lessons from Hollywood (4)

Many Hollywood celebrities mentioned that they were “at the right place at the right time” to be “discovered” or given the opportunities for a major breakthrough in their careers.
“At the right place at the right time” probably does not mean sitting at home and waiting for the phone to ring offering you an Oscar-winning role in the next big blockbuster! My interpretation is network, network and network. You need to somehow let the right people know your existence. For job searchers, it would mean getting to know recruiters, hiring managers and people working in your area of interest. The current age of social media makes it easier or more difficult for one to network and get to know the “right” people depending on how much you are in tune with the social media.

There is nothing wrong with introducing yourself to others and ask for help. Sometimes that human element can make a difference. In addition, you need to be out there for “at the right place at the right time” to happen. Get off that couch and start networking now!