The optimal mix of good and bad moments

I would like to share some insights from a key figure in the field of EmotionalSmileyFace Intelligence Daniel Goldman based on his book titled Focus – The Hidden Driver of Excellence. He quotes the organizational psychologist Marcial Losada in his book and suggests “Analyzing hundreds of terms, Losada determined that the most effective had a positive/negative ratio of at least 2.9 good feelings to every negative moment”(p.173). That is roughly 30% (bad vs. good).

To extrapolate that ratio (approx. 30%) into the space of a week: I can accept 2 bad days if I have 5 good days. I am usually happy on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. That means from Monday to Thursday, I should have the capacity to “survive” 2 bad days. In other words, I need to make sure that I have at least 2 good days during Monday and Thursday to stay at my top performance assuming my weekend plus Friday are good.